Let's start with PAYDAYS. It is very important NOT to make income claims and I will not be telling you exacts AT ALL... but I want you to fully understand that as you build momentum with this company you have the ability to earn many checks all at once! Why does this happen?
Every time you make a DIRECT sale you begin a new sales lane.
Remember the ranks? 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A?
When you make a direct sale in your 1A lane, everything they do produces a check for you... AND them.
You will produce more direct sales, starting MORE sales lanes.
Great... let them all be working at the same time.
There is NO limit to how many direct sales you can have.
I remember the first time I got MANY checks in the mail on the same day. I had a pile up (thank you Enagic) because lots of sales lanes were all producing.
My biggest advice when this happens to you is... BE GRATEFUL! :)
At first you will know exactly how much you are going to earn and it is super exciting. With time it can become even more exciting because if you build your business correctly there will come a time when you will begin to receive a check you didn't even realize was coming.
The first time this happened to me I felt very humbled. I told my husband, "I don't even know this person!" It was a referral from a referral from a referral. Of course it all started with you and this is why the company is rewarding you for your initial efforts, but isn't that cool?
If you work hard and smart and stay consistent with your efforts, especially at the beginning, each person has this same opportunity.
One of the most fun things about our company is YOUR paychecks never get less. Yes you may produce smaller checks that keep coming in from your 1A, 2A, 3A groups, BUT your work will always produce where you are in the promotion line-up OR above. It is literally a one-time climb to those highest paychecks.
It's so worth the one-time climb!!!!
I also love the fact there are no time limits. You could put your business on hold for a year or two and whenever you sell another machine, your paycheck begins right where you left off! This is a phenomenal aspect of the company and one I appreciate greatly.